Cucumber juice 3 tbsp
Honey 1/2 tsp
Benefits of ingredients on skin
Cucumber Juice
Cucumber's high water content revitalizes the skin and keep it moist.It treats open pores,lightens the skin and improves the complexion. Its rich in antioxidants, which combat skin-damaging free radicals.
Honey has anti-aging and moisturizing properties.Honey is a humectant that is it has the ability to absorb and retain moisture and hence keeps the skin moist.
Grate a piece of cucumber and squeeze the juice.
Mix the ingredients well and refrigerate.
Apply on washed face with a cotton pad.
Leave for 20 mins and wash.
A larger quantity of this mixture can be made by pureeing cucumber, passing it through a fine sieve and adding appropriate quantity of honey. Keep this refrigerated and use within 2-3 days.